Little Ticket to Wealth - Updated for your Success - 4th Anniversary Edition
Referred by: VERNON BURT III, Contact SponsorDecember 29, 2013 Bookmark this site! | Email This Site
Date: December 29, 2013
From: LTTW Marketing HQ, 2nd Floor, Last Door On Left, #8Dear Fellow Wealth Seeker,
I know what it's like to feel lost in the Internet Ocean, on a rubber raft, screaming for someone to please help me, to just "Tell me the truth on how I can get some leads, make some money and maybe, just maybe, make it to DRY LAND so I can be a HERO to my family once again".
Believe me, I understand your pain .I spent YEARS online, by myself, drifting in the wind, working late hours into the early morning, trying to make numerous (more like hundreds) of programs work.I tried everything from Network Marketing, to affiliate promotions, to online biz opps costing $20 to $2,000, to pyramids and money schemes that more often crashed and burned than paid out anything even remotely close to what they originally promised. (Losing MONEY Sucks!)
But yet, I didn't quit. I kept thinking that life on my own terms would be worth the price to bear as opposed to spending it, working 14 hour shifts, nights, holidays and weekends as a Restaurant Manager.Instead, I pressed on. Despite the massive set backs, disappointments, frustrations and failures (Chapter 7 Bancruptcy in 2003), I some how managed to keep sight on the bigger picture. And that bigger picture was one of FREEDOM.For me, it wasn't always about the money. It was about spending life as I saw fit. Not having to get up to an alarm clock on Monday morning, having the OPTION to take 3 and 4 day weekends at will, to pack the trusty mountain bike into the back of the Silverado for a 10 mile ride into the woods on a Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. That to me was FREEDOM.
The GOOD news, is that the PRICE for Freedom, to become the CEO of You, Inc., to be the Hot-n-New Rockstar in your program of choice, to be able to CASH $10,000 checks at will, isn't really that steep. All it takes is knowledge, skills and access to a PREDICTABLE LEAD SYSTEM that's been proven to CRUSH records for thousands of entrepreneurs from across the globe for the past 4 + yrs and running.
If you were to ask ANY top earner in ANY home based business if they could continue to thrive without aFRESH, PREDICTABLE flow of HIGH QUALITY LEADS each month, easy SYSTEMS that sift-sort-select for them, access to TOOLS and TRAINING that sliced a 40 hr work week down to 4 hrs and access toFAST CASH that's paid directly to them on a daily basis, what do you think they'd say to you?
In fact, most (if not all) of them would see their cushy six and seven figure
incomes dwindle to next to nothing within a few months, if not sooner. |
So here you are, being all slick and cool, buying $1997 Guru courses, thinking that the SOLUTION to your problem is somehow coded within their product. Now, please do NOT mis-understand me. I am all for higher learning, and there are plenty of $1997 courses available that are worth 20x the price of admission. But 99% of the time you're still left with the #1 question unanswered that's on ALL of your prospects minds, whether you realize it or not!
When you create a free account within Little Ticket To Wealth, you can reserve up to 400,000 fresh leads per month IN YOUR NAME for only $400 one time + $40 per month. This way you'll always have more leads than you can handle (which is what you want) + you'll have a Funnel System (see theProgram FAQs link above) that you can use to create even MORE results for your business.
You can use these leads to do ANY sort of online or offline marketing campaign to create a raging flood of fresh DAILY opt-ins that are looking for YOU. The possibilities are virtually endless. But to give you an idea of what YOU could be doing, here are some of the top methods being utilized right now by our clients who are seeing BIG successes from their campaigns:
We're in the "Marketing Trenches" every day ourselves, building our own email lists, talking to prospects, creating SALES and CASHFLOW. We know exactly what's working, and equally as important, what's NOTworking, as we spend hundreds of dollars each week, testing and verifying new marketing sources for our members so we LOSE our shirt and not them. And above all else, the one thing that has not (nor will not ever) change is the unwavering need for a consistent flow of new leads each and every month, regardless of the program or trend.
For the last 6 months, we've been quietly working a new "breed" of lead that (to be quite honest with you), very few people are using, much less even know that they exist. These leads are simply referred to as BUYER LEADS.
Buyer Leads are the names, mailing address and phone numbers of interested prospects who've recently (within the last 30 days) purchased a product related to the "Make Money From Home" niche. The purchase could be a $9.95 membership site, a $37 piece of software or possibly even a $200 info course.
They've been generated by us as well as our marketing partners online via sites such as Clickbank, Commission Junction, Ebay, PayPal, just to name a few. (More info about the BUYER LEADS can be found on the FAQ PAGE #13 & #14)
Buyer Leads can be difficult to get ahold of. Sure you can get a list from Macromark or NextMark and if you're lucky, you'll pay as little as .25 cents per lead, but that's a RENTED LIST only, which means that you can only use that list for a one time mailing. The better option is to OWN A BUYERS LIST so that way you're free to contact them as often as you'd like.Now, the GOOD NEWS is, is that when you enroll into Little Ticket To Wealth today, I'll include a FREE BATCH of BUYER LEADS (every month) with your order! These are HOT, PROVEN, READY-2-GO BUYER LEADS that you can immediately plug into any voice broadcast, direct mail or even text message campaign.
24 Hour Secure Access To Their Own Private Lead Vault!
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A continious supply of up to 400K FRESH LEADS + up to 4,000 HIGH QUALITY BUYER LEADSevery month to generate traffic, prospects and sales from!
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A Built in 100% COMMISSION Referal Payment System That Delivers Instant Payments Automatically
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Exclusive Member Only Discounts on eMarketing Services (See FAQ PAGE for MORE details!)
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Access To 100% Done For You Marketing Campaigns (Just Sit Back And Let The Leads Come To You!)
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A Professional "Back Office" With A Lead Tracking System, Including Real-time Reporting On The Status Of All Your Prospects And Sales
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Expertly Crafted, "Direct Response Marketing Driven", eMail Copy That Will Grab Your Prospects By Their Shirt Collar Into Your Marketing Funnel. (All You Have To Is Swipe-n-Deploy!)
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Access To A Whole Suite Of Tools, Scripts, Ideas, Tips, etc... That Will Help You Rake In The Cash 100x Easier, Faster and More Profitable Than Ever Before.
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You can be eligible to collect complimentary LEADS from our nation wide ad campaigns via offline (full page ads) as well as online (Facebook). (Available to active Platinum members only!)
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You can benefit from periodic promotions and contests through out the year, as we give you the EXACT swipe copy to use to generate fast sales! (See Free Gift #5 below where we reveal the copy one member used to collect $11,500 from 4 swiped emails!)
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Access to an assortment of Free Gifts (see below), delivering on-going HIGH VALUE content, week after week, month after month.
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An unfair marketing advantage because you'll be spending far LESS for your lead generation than your competition!
Now, you can clearly see from the abundance of "social proof" above, that Little Ticket To Wealth has your back, with dirt cheap pricing. Plus, the lead prices above don't even include 100% commissions + SMS Leads + Buyer Leads + Geo Targeted leads. (SMS Leads + Geo Targeted Leads Only Available With The Platinum Package, See FULL Details Below).
* See Program FAQs for full details on each level
* Additional service charges may apply for larger bulk eMailer accounts *
Each month, we'll deliver straight into your lead account, a set of 100% verified mail order leads that you can use for your next offline / direct mail campaign. These leads are PERFECT for your next postcard run as each and every mailing address has been scrubbed for accuracy using the NCOA (National Change Of Address) database. This means NO more wasted marketing dollars on leads that come back to you as undeliverable. Each scrubbed lead will include full name, mailing address and phone number. (Sorry, no email addresses with mail order leads!)
Direct Mail can deliver consistent, trackable, scalable results for just about any home business opportunity out there. With our scrubbed direct mail leads, your next successful postcard can be a smash hit!
Little Ticket To Wealth uses what's known as a "Reverse 2 Up" compensation plan to help our members not only generate immediate cashflow, but also generate leverage and long term profits. Here's the simple version of how this will work for YOU...
Not only can you get paid handsomely from your own efforts, but you can reap HUGE profits like a thief in the night when your efforts are combined with the efforts of others...i.e....TeamWork!For starters, you get paid directly from the enrolling member. There's never any waiting for a check from us, as each member selects (in advance) how they want to get paid. Examples:, Linkpoint, PayPal and Payza are the 4 most frequently used options. Of course, you can also get paid OFFLINE via money order or cash. Regardless of your personal preference, this set up phase takes 2 minutes and you only have to do it one time. (There's a video that reveals INSIDER SECRETS about collecting the money on your profile page!)When a prospect registers with you, they'll be prompted to send 100% of the enrollment fee to YOU for your 1st and 3rd referals. Your 2nd and 4th referals are sent to your sponsor to act as qualifiers. (This happens only once, PER LEVEL, then it's 100% paid directly to you).Their 1st and 3rd sales are theirs, just like yours were. But guess what happens with their 2nd and 4th? You're right! They all come directly to YOU! In this example scenario, you'd receive up to $400 x 4 (2 referral pass-ups from Mary, 2 referral pass-ups from John) = up to $1600 in INSTANT CASH paid directly to YOU! (See Program FAQs for specific details on the Reverse 2 Up as it applies to each individual level!)You'll get an instant email notification informing you of a new enrollment and of any payments coming your way.This all happens behind the scenes, automatically, without any direct effort from you.
Lets say that both Mary and John are go-getters. They each see the money that can be generated from Little Ticket To Wealth with a little extra effort.Their 1st and 3rd sales are theirs, just like yours were. But guess what happens with their 2nd and 4th? You're right! They all come directly to YOU! In this example scenario, you'd receive up to $400 x 4 (2 referral pass-ups from Mary, 2 referral pass-ups from John) = up to $1600 in INSTANT CASH paid directly to YOU!
There are no limits as to the number of people you can refer, nor to the
number of potential powerlines you can receive from.
No more buying $9 real time leads. No more getting sucked into your Sponsors $200 a month co-op that produces squat. No more spending countless hours on Twitter and Facebook, hoping and praying that one of your "virtual friends" will actually visit your site. No more wasting hours and hours clicking on links via traffic exchanges.
I've privately arranged for you to "lock in" access to some pretty sweet bonus gifts, should you take advantage of our offer right now.Now, you can take as much time as you want to review the information below but if I were you, I wouldn't dilly-daddle around too long since I can't guarantee you that we'll be able to continue these bonus gifts for much longer and to be fully honest with you, may very soon restrict the # of active members who can access the classes and trainings.Go ahead and scroll through the bonus gifts. You'll be pleased...
You can use Little Ticket To Wealth to build ANY program you want, creating MORE profits while at the same time, building a predictable lifestyle around solid marketing principles vs. here today, gone tomorrow tactics, that could easily leave your family's future in unstable hands.
* See Program FAQs for full details on each level
* Additional service charges may apply for larger bulk eMailer accounts *
having SYSTEMS in place that "sift, sort, select and sell" for you, all while you're off doing other things like having date night with your spouse or taking the kids out to the local fishing hole. |
If You Ever Have A Question, Concern or Just Need Some Words Of Encouragement,
We're Right There For You!
We're Right There For You!
We've Dedicated An Entire Team Of Positive Individuals To Help Support YOU!

( pssst... You can CALL US right now if you'd like: 330.881.3026 )
P.S. We haven't even mentioned our "SECRET" Webinar Marketing System that's attracting AND closing prospects automatically for us! Over the last 2 years, it's been directly responsible for collecting and converting thousands of new members into LTTW, effortlessly. More details are (INSIDE) the LTTW members area!P.P.S. Procrastination is FAILURE on an installment plan. So don't wait another second as opportunities like this only come across your desk once every few months, at best!P.P.P.S. Where you are 90 days from now, will solely be determined by the decisions you make today. Take the right action step and get registered right now.
FYI... Unlike those other programs that hide behind a 24 hr support desk, I want to have full transparent disclosure from Day 1.I'm a real person and I really do own multiple online businesses. Here is my contact information just to prove it to you:
If you have any questions about our Little Ticket To Wealth program, call us from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday, at: 330.881.3026 (either Alex, Alytsa or Tim will answer). Or feel free to use the Contact Us option at the top of this page.P.P.P.P.S. Due to the enormous demand for these kind of underground prices on premium leads, we�re not sure how long we'll be able to keep this offer available and for that reason, this offer could terminate at anytime!P.P.P.P.P.S.